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May 23, 2024

Healing Bullying Trauma with Hypnosis

Healing Bullying Trauma with Hypnosis

This week, we are joined by Mahesh Grossman, known as The Love Heals Anxiety Guy. Mahesh is a Somatic Hypnotherapist and the author of The One Minute Anxiety Solution. During the episode, he will guide me through a Mini Somatic Hypnotherapy Session to help me conquer my fear of meeting new people.

Visit Mahesh's Website here: www.anxiety123.com

Have Tim Flynn speak at your event! Contact him here: https://katokaratemn.com/bully-prevention

Contact the show at breakbullyinghere@gmail.com

If you want to learn more or are subjected to either Bullying or Harassment, you can go to:



If you are dealing with dark or suicidal thoughts call The National Suicide Hotline:

Phone: 988

Opening Theme: "The Beginning and the End" by Grahf

Closing Theme: "Cute Melodies 11" by Soundtrack 4 Life